Advisory Board

Provides strategic counsel and support to the leadership of Ascend.

Advisory Board Chair

Regina Montoya Ι Regina T Montoya PLLC

Advisory Board Members

Gillian Breidenbach Ι Belo + Company

Melissa Cameron Ι Sunwest Communications

Ka Cotter Ι Mary Ka Cotter

Debbie Dennis Ι Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC

Jennifer Gates Ι Dallas Civic & Philanthropic Leader

Kim Hext Ι Community Volunteer

David Holl Ι Mary Kay, Inc.

Sarah Losinger Ι John R. McCune Charitable Trust

Steve Love Ι DFW Hospital Council

Diane McNulty Ι University of Texas at Dallas

Anne Motsenbocker Ι Retired, JP Morgan Chase

Greg Nieberding Ι Digital 3 Printing

Brendon Riley Ι BMO Commercial Bank

Alice Rodriguez Ι Chairwoman, US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Carol Seay Ι Community Volunteer

Stormee Williams Ι Children’s Health